I had the utmost pleasure to speak at the LastPass Exchange, hosted by Vogel IT-Medien GmbH and Security insider along with two icons in the security and new ways of working industry.

Philipp Kalweit is one of the industry’s youngest professional hackers. He started the first security assessment of a company at the age of 14 before he founded his own company Kalweit ITS GmbH. Kalweit ITS GmbH offers security assessments, penetration tests, and consulting around IT security.

Daniel Holzinger is a very well-known personality in the Austrian but also German digital work community. He is managing director of his own company Colited Management Consultancy, which focuses on consulting companies on new ways of working, shifting to remote- and flexible work. Many would consider him to be an industry influencer in his field.

And of course, there’s me, Peter van Zeist, Principal Solutions Consultant who likes talking about Password- and Identity Management.
Together with my two partners in crime, we talk about the general risk of social engineering, that the shift to more flexible work doesn’t only have positive sides and that secure access methods, from which passwords are the most common ones, are the key to securing companies from the constant rising threat of security and data breaches.
Did I make you curious? Then follow this link and see for yourself (In Germany only):